Borek (Potato Parcels)

‘Borek’s are something I grew up eating and it has a special place in our kitchen. Keir’s sister adores them.  Borek is a filo pastry bite which typically is filled with spinach and feta cheese, but my mum also used to make a simple  potato filling too. You might have heard of spinach version with the Greek name ‘Spanokopita’.  I have been thinking for a while how to create a low exchange version so that Keir can join the family eating ‘borek’s. I have finally figured it out.

I am sharing the recipe below. Please note that each triangle works out at 1.5 exchanges. One exchange from the filo pastry and half an exchange from the potato filling. Please check packaging if using a different brand.



Here’s how I made the borek:

Potato Borek

Each triangle is 1.5 exchanges (according to current UK guidelines)


2 single sheets of Jus-Roll filo pastry

320g (boiled weight) new potatoes, boiled and chopped into small cubes

1 teaspooon of tomato puree

1 small onion, chopped

salt and pepper

little oil


Preheat the oven temp to 180C

  1. Fry onion until soft in a non stick pan in small amount of oil and mix in tomato puree and fry for few seconds. Add in the potatoes and fry it for couple of minutes. Turn off the heat.
  2. Put the filling into a bowl and crush it the back of the fork. Double check the weight on scale. Mine weighed the same amount 320g. Divide the mixture into 8 equal portions. Each portion will be half an exchange.
  3. Cut each filo pastry into half in the middle then cut into half again lengthwise so you should get 4 rectangular pieces from each sheet. Total of 8 sheets.
  4. Fill each pastry sheet with one portion of potato filling and fold into triangle shapes. Seal edges with brushing it with water. (There is a special technique to folding the filo triangles. If  you are not familiar with it, here’s a video from Jus-Roll)
  5. Brush the tops of each triangle with little oil and bake on a lined baking tray. Bake it for 15-20 min until golden and crisp.





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